Kai Elise
Kai Elise is the CEO of Eleven25 The Brand, an online, all-inclusive mini boutique. The company name is Eleven25 because Kai was born November 25, 2003. During the 2020 Covid-19, Quarantine period, Kai decided to began a company. Her reasoning behind it was, “During quarantine, you either level up, or stay where you are. I cannot be a person who stays where I am because I am here for a bigger purpose and I will use my talents and passions to their fullest potentials”. Kai is easily accessible for any questions or concerns anyone may have regarding Eleven25. Simply send an email through the contact page located on the pages tab, and you are guaranteed to receive a rapid response. Kai’s goal for each of her customers, supporters, or viewers is for each of them to ELEVATE their Looks, Confidence, & Energy with Eleven25.
Follow Our Business page: @Eleven25TheBrand